Product CatalogueWine and LiquorLiquersLiquersSteinbok Butterscotch Schnapps 700ml Back STEINBOK Steinbok Butterscotch Schnapps 700ml Product ID: 7590 Brand: STEINBOK 2025-01-22 View or buy the Liquers Liquers - Steinbok Butterscotch Schnapps 700ml from STEINBOK to discover other options and shipping details. Description Back to Liquers - Liquers More Liquers and others in our range Vok Curacao Blue 500ml Jagermeister Gift Pack 700ml Limoncello Villa Masa 500ML Malibu 700ml Vok Mango 500ml Chambord Liquer 500ml New Norfolk Mos Australis Lamington Liqueur 700ml Lemon Spina Limoncello 500ml Charm Malgeun Vivid Strawberry Soju 360ml Alize Rose 750ml